哪里能买到极草?极草价格多少 – 女娲之汉



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  1. 冬虫夏草的药效成分主要蕴含在细胞内


  2. 分开定位粉碎,药效成分方能极致释放

  现代研究发现,冬虫夏草的“虫”和“草”(子座)的结构完全不同(如下图)。显微镜下,“虫体”主要是动物蛋白被真菌菌丝分解转化为新的营养物质过程中的一种状态,结构比“草”疏松 ; “草”的部分菌丝体致密缠绕,孢子囊非常坚硬,类似种子或是坚果的结构。





  现代检验技术对分开定位粉碎专利技术的鉴定结果明确显示:冬虫夏草微粉在1分钟内的成分总溶出度比原草高7倍以上,而且在以后60分钟内保持这种趋势。研究还发现,冬虫夏草微粉在1- 60分钟的各时间段都有虫草素溶出,而其它各组(原草及粗粉)均未测得虫草素。这表明,在短时间内,冬虫夏草的有些精华成分只有在粉碎粒度达到破膜、破壁的水平(即微粉级)才能迅速释放出来。


  1. 冬虫夏草制成恰当粒径的微粉,才有最佳的吸收





  2. 口内含服,增加口含黏膜吸收,实现高效利用













  冬虫夏草纯粉片实现了冬虫夏草利用率的极致提升。分开定位粉碎带来的、比原草提升7倍的药效成分释放,通过口含黏膜吸收通道的增加而利用最大化。相比原草在足量服用的前提下仍需2- 3个月才有模糊感受的情况,冬虫夏草纯粉片依推荐量服用15天就能够获得明显体验。很多消费者在在感受到冬虫夏草纯粉片快速、高效、方便的体验后,形容冬虫夏草纯粉片为“嚼七根不如含一片”。

  Everyone has their own unique taste, is innate, and life will not change, this is a theme of human body odor. But with the influence of various external smell in life, and sweat, grease and other body secretions in the decomposition by bacteria, the smell will be mixed with the main melody, resulting in a wide variety of smells, but will not change the life to some kind of smell.

  People are born with the smell, which is the main melody, is determined by genes, race, living habits, eating habits and climate factors. “America Monier chemical senses centre through the study found, women’s scent is decided by heredity. In addition to her will have two kinds of taste in pregnancy, her and the fetus, in addition to a unique taste of the kind of natural is the same.” Zhang Jing said: “but it is very difficult to study, because of the need to exclude the interference of external factors. If other taste and wash away the human body, such as sweat, grease taste tasteless, need soap, this requirement is very high. But it is difficult to exclude the interference of external odor. So far, in the world also is very difficult for the odor classification people are born with, or a more detailed study.”

  In some studies, each country people’s taste is unique. For example, there is a faint woody German woman, and China women there is a faint fragrance of flowers. But not all taste must be fragrant, or people like the taste. At present, the relevant research is not very many.

  The character of strong man, is also a strong body odor

  Also found in the study, personality differences in response to odor will produce difference. But the causal relationships need further study. Previous research has shown that the character of strong man, he is the smell will be very strong, but also love strong flavor. Like Napoleon, he every day to 6 gallons and nearly 30 liters of perfume, and France’s Louis sixteen not only their own like strong smelling like perfume, also have a strong flavor of woman.

  In addition, the attraction between man and man, born to appreciate the great proportion. Although we usually may be considered in the process of interaction with people, did not smell a special taste, but in fact this effect in the brain has been reflected. “This is an instinctive reaction. The fact that our bodies than the brain smarter.” Zhang Jing explained: “this can be used American scientist Mike even and Mclean three brain theory to explain the. The human brain is divided into three levels, the first level is the control of some physiological processes such as respiration, survival, heartbeat, this is some of the reptiles have; and the second level is the limbic cortex, here to accept the happy, fear of feeling; the top is the consciousness of skin layer, which is peculiar to mankind.”

  And the others odor preferences, limbic cortex has been accepted and reflected, and does not rise to the cortical brain consciousness, so some of the time, you also did not realize at the time, you may have to fall in love.

  Of course, this let people are attracted to each other taste must mean that appreciate people born with, also is the main melody Zhang Jing said “”. On each day of the 30000 breaths, smell always in working state. The human brain to distinguish 17000 kinds of smell, can be “the main melody” and acquired produce sweat, grease taste “accompaniment” separated.

  The odor preferences, congenital acquired in each half

  Everyone like to smell of both innate reasons from the acquired learning. Innate preferences determined by genes. Researchers from Imperial College in Israel have found that, people’s sense of smell is missing in the process of formation, as if to smell reaction by a lot of light bulb, but not every light will shine, and everyone bright lighting is different. So some people on some kind of smell like, while others will generate resentment to the smell. So in the “smell fear show”, some visitors did not dare close, even their noses, and some people can be overcome by one’s feelings left kiss lipstick on “smell fear” on the drawing board.

  Learned, is mainly obtained by some associative memory. For example, in a test of Chanel perfume, each person to associate things are not the same. A tester said he will think of the mother in the smell the smell, the reason is that when his mother is using this perfumes. So some experience will let people produce the likes and dislikes feeling to the particular smell.

  For some unpleasant smell of natural exclusion from the human instinct of self-protection

  There are some unpleasant smell, such as carrion, corruption, the smell of food, people to resist them from the instinct of self-protection. Because of the smell of danger threatens human ancestors, feel the smell of hidden behind and accumulated slowly into the experience, inherited to offspring. Like carrion smell can make people from food spoilage, intrusion from bacteria and pathogens.

  The man taste. Medical experts with a term to describe, called appreciate, or body odor.

  The scientists found that a man, not much, if any, when light weight breath, have not little effect of spirit, emotion and sexuality to women. For example, the researchers collected from armpit odor of men, and mixed with alcohol, painted a number of irregular menstruation unmarried woman lips, after a period of time

文章来源:生活保健     men.ngnvip.com/category/shenghuobaojian

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